9 Ways Authors Can Reach More Fans and Readers

9 Ways Authors Can Reach More ReadersAuthors, both fiction and nonfiction, want to connect with fans and readers. Here are nine ways authors can expand their reader base and create more engagement.

  1. Connect with your fans and readers on the following social media platforms.
  1. Encourage your fans and readers to share your social media posts by asking them to:
  • Retweet something you shared on Twitter.
  • Share a post from your Facebook Author page on their own Facebook timeline.
  • Repin something from one of your Pinterest boards.
  • Share one of your status updates on LinkedIn.
  • Comment on one of your Instagram posts.
  • Recommend one of your books on Goodreads to their friends.
  1. Ask your fans and readers to sign up for your newsletter.
  2. Share the link to sign up for your newsletter on all your social media accounts.
  3. Ask fans and readers to subscribe to your blog. Don’t forget to ask them to comment at the blog as well.
  4. Ask fans directly to buy your books.
  5. Ask fans to buy a copy of one of your books for a friend.
  6. Directly ask fans and readers to write a review of your book(s) on Amazon.
  7. Encourage readers to send you an email and share their thoughts, ask questions, and give suggestions.

Remind your readers and fans that supportive things like reviews at Amazon, comments at the blog, enthusiastic shares on social media and even personal emails help make you enthusiastic encourage you to keep writing.




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