Are You Using These Social Media Tips?

A few random social media tips for you:

  • Note what some of your competitors are doing on social media. You will get a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t and can then create strategies that are best for your audience.
  • Vary your posts on each social media platform. Don’t always post identical content to each. Each platform has limits on the number of characters you can post and the ideal image sizes are different. The audience varies as well and what appeals to an audience on Facebook may not appeal to the audience on LinkedIn.
  • Share your own photos and ‘behind-the-scenes’ posts. This is especially true on Instagram. Instagrammers want to know more about your life as an author. They want to see photos of your writing space, perhaps a book store you visited, your cat. Of course, you can post about your book too. Just remember that the audience here is more often interested in your life than your book.
  • Use video. People love video. You can create a more engaged community when you post video consistently. (This is one I still need to work on.)

Are you using any of these social media tips? I’d love to hear from you. What other tips can you share?

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