Software Solutions for Book Marketers by Dave Chesson

Dave Chesson

Today: a guest post from Dave Chesson, Kindle Marketing Jedi

Why is a modern self-published author like a Swiss army knife?

It might sound like a strange joke or logic puzzle, but it couldn’t be more true!

Just as a swiss army knife contains a whole host of tools and capabilities within a single package, the modern self-published author has to operate in the same way.

If you self-publish, you need to be able to not only write, but also market, network, promote and format!
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How To Create Headlines That Get More Clicks and Conversions – Guest Post

To get people to read your story, you need to have an attractive headline to get their attention at the onset. Once you get their mind set on your title, you are good to go. This makes it important for you to find ways to post an attractive headline. You need to grab the attention of the reader and make him want to read your content. The power of a headline lies in its ability to grab the notice of the person. The content lies secondary in this case.

The fact of the matter is that a lot of people ignore the significance of what a good headline can do. There is no wondering why a lot of informative content goes to waste. These contents may have been helpful to some people if only it had an eye-catching headline.

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Top 12 [make that 14] Tech Tools for Setting Up Your New Business

Tech Tools for Setting Up Your New BusinessThere are many online tech tools available for setting up a new business. As a small business owner myself for the past 10 years, I’ve come to rely on several that I recommend. (Down at the bottom is one Joel has been using a while.) The top 12 I recommend are:
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4 Common Financial Crises for Small Business Owners and How to Solve Them

4 Common Financial Crises for Small Business Owners and How to Solve ThemAs a small business owner, you’re essentially writing your own paycheck. But that doesn’t mean you have an endless supply of funds anytime you need them. Instead, your earnings are dependent on a variety of factors, some of which are outside your direct control. So what can you do if you run into difficult financial circumstances? Here are a few ways to jump money-related hurdles.

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Better Writing: When to Use “Like” vs. “Such As”

Barbara McNichols WordtrippersThis is part of a series by editor Barbara McNichol to provide tips that help you write like a pro.

Have you ever wondered about the distinction between “like” or “such as” in your writing. Here are two phrases to consider:

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