Commit to Posting at Your Blog Regularly

commit to posting regularly at your blogOne of your goals this year should be to commit to posting at your blog regularly. How often should that be? It could be daily, weekly, monthly. The important thing is to be consistent. You’ll lose readers if you don’t post regularly.

Over the years I’ve posted daily at times, weekly other times, monthly at other times. When I post daily I see an increase in traffic, comments, and interaction with others. When I’ve been irregular, sure enough, there’s a significant decline in traffic, comments, and interaction.

If you haven’t been blogging much, I suggest you start with once a month and work up to at least once a week. Blogging every single day can become exhausting – especially if you try to do it seven days a week. Give yourself a break!

It’s much more to be consistent than to try to blog more often than you reasonably can.

How often do you post at your blog? I want to hear from you!

What do you think?