Free Book Marketing Ideas

You don’t have to spend money for all your book marketing efforts. There are free ways to market your book. Here are just a few.

  • Interview an industry influencer who has read your book and write a blog post about what they found most useful in the book—or ask the influencer if they would be willing to write a guest post about your book.
  • Create a group from your Facebook author page. Share tips from your book and ask questions, encouraging engagement. Be sure to share information related to your topic from other sources as well.
  • Pitch to the media—podcasters, radio shows, etc. What is a current topic that you can tie in with your book’s topic? Create a pitch and reach out to the media.
  • Send a digital (Kindle or PDF) copy of your book as a gift to five people who are interested in your topic and ask them to consider reviewing it. Don’t say you’ll send a free copy if they’ll leave a positive review of your book. Just send the book and ask them to consider leaving an honest review.
    What other free book marketing ideas do you have? Please share them in the comments.

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