You’ve set up your Twitter account for yourself as an author. Now what? Who should you connect with and follow? What should you tweet about? What are those symbols # used for?
Here are some quick tips to help you get started with your author Twitter account.
- Connect with people who want to read your book. It’s easier to find other authors and connecting with some of them is fine. You’ll need to look a little harder to find readers, reviewers, and book bloggers. The extra effort is worth it. Search for people who either have in their bio or tweets keywords like “avid reader”, “book blogger”, or “book reviews”.
- Post valuable content often. Remember that 80/20 rule? It applies here as well. If all you have is promotional content, your followers will stop following you. Be sure you provide tips and other valuable content for your followers to want to keep returning and see what else you have to say. If you are a fiction author, you could post little snippets of your book to pique your audience’s interest in your book.
- Use hashtags (that’s what these symbols # are for) to help people find your content. If you are a chiropractor in Sacramento, California, you might use the hashtags #chiropractor and #Sacramento so people searching for a chiropractor in that are finds you. An author doing a live event in San Diego could use the hashtags #LiveEvent and #SanDiego.
Remember, Twitter is a fast-paced social media platform. To be sure your audience can keep up, you need to post often. It’s helpful to schedule your posts throughout the day. However, I’d recommend no more than once an hour. Otherwise your audience may get tired of seeing your non-stop posts and stop following you.