Growing Your Audience with Pinterest

If you want to reach more people with your message, you need to start using Pinterest. It’s one of the fastest growing social media sites and more and more business are using Pinterest to drive traffic to their website. Just take a look at what Macy’s is doing as an example.

Grow your audience with Pinterest

According to Social Media Today, “conversion rates for Pinterest traffic are 50% higher than conversion rates from other traffic.” I know from personal experience that one of our websites has had a tremendous increase in traffic and we can directly link it as coming from Pinterest.

Here are some quick tips on using Pinterest:

  • Create a board on Pinterest to pin all your blog posts.
  • Make sure that each of your blog posts needs an eye-catching image.
  • In the description be sure to add relevant keywords your prospects would search for to find what you have to say.

Check out my Pinterest board with Articles for Virtual Assistants.

What do you think?