Ilise Benun, Host of The Marketing Mentor Podcast

This entry is part 11 of 13 in the series Podcaster Interviews

I’ve known Ilise for a few years and read her blog. I’m honored she provided information about her podcast for our series.Ilise Benun

Tell us about your podcast

The Marketing Mentor Podcast is a friendly, practical and no-fluff conversation between me, Ilise Benun, and successful creative professionals about what’s working when it comes to the latest marketing tools and pricing strategies.

Why did you start this podcast?

It started as a promotional tool for one of my early books, The Designer’s Guide to Marketing & Pricing. The concept was to record one episode for each chapter – and it worked! From there it has evolved into an interview format, where I chat with clients and others who are practicing what I preach.

How long have you been podcasting?

Since 2008! Almost 400 episodes so far!

What do you look for in a guest?

I am looking for guests who are willing to reveal the details you don’t hear anywhere else about exactly how they market their business and the results they get.

How can listeners find you?

The home of the podcast is at but it can also can be found on my web site,, and on , Spotify and

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I like to go behind the scenes to uncover real-world strategies for taking control of your business, ending the feast-or-famine syndrome, finding your niche, developing your own marketing style and cultivating relationships that will last.

Ilise Benun is the founder of, the go-to online resource for creative professionals who want better projects with bigger budgets, through which she offers business coaching to small groups and 1:1. She is also a national speaker and author of 7 books, including “The Creative Professional’s Guide to Money,” and 3 online courses via CreativeLive – all tailored to the needs of creative professionals. Since 2008, she has hosted the Marketing Mentor Podcast and her newest project is her role as “Business Coach” for the Savannah College of Art & Design. Follow her @ilisebenun and get her Quick Tips at

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