To make the most of using Twitter in your social media management, you will need to engage with your followers.
Here are some tips to increase engagement on Twitter:
- Monitor Twitter mentions, retweets, and direct messages. Take 5-10 minutes to check these daily.
- Respond to direct messages as appropriate. You might get some great conversations started and be able to connect with your followers on other platforms, such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
- As appropriate, reply to @mentions with a thank you or other appropriate message.
- Weekly choose at least 3-4 retweets to thank. (“Thank you for the retweet! [Include here a bit of that retweet so they know which one you are thanking them for])
- As there is room, include at the end of some tweets “Please share” or the hashtags #RT or #retweet to encourage others to share and retweet your posts.
- Remember to retweet what others share as relevant.
- Weekly mark 5-7 relevant tweets by others as “Favorites.” This promotes goodwill with your fellow tweeters!