Increasing Engagement on Twitter

Increase Twitter engagementTo make the most of using Twitter in your social media management, you will need to engage with your followers.

Here are some tips to increase engagement on Twitter:

  • Monitor Twitter mentions, retweets, and direct messages. Take 5-10 minutes to check these daily.
  • Respond to direct messages as appropriate. You might get some great conversations started and be able to connect with your followers on other platforms, such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • As appropriate, reply to @mentions with a thank you or other appropriate message.
  • Weekly choose at least 3-4 retweets to thank. (“Thank you for the retweet! [Include here a bit of that retweet so they know which one you are thanking them for])
  • As there is room, include at the end of some tweets “Please share” or the hashtags #RT or #retweet to encourage others to share and retweet your posts.
  • Remember to retweet what others share as relevant.
  • Weekly mark 5-7 relevant tweets by others as “Favorites.” This promotes goodwill with your fellow tweeters!


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