Introducing Joel D Canfield

( . . . and that’s the last time I’ll refer to myself in the third person . . . )

The invisible man breaks his silence at last.

About three years ago Sue’s virtual assistant service completed the transition to a social media support service for nonfiction authors. For the decade before that, I focused on our two other businesses: Spinhead Web Design and Someday Box Indie Publishing. For the past 3 years those businesses have been allowed to languish while I focused on my fiction writing.

I’ve always been in the background here at Chief Virtual Officer Ausoma. As we tighten our focus and create specialty packages to bring in new business (hint hint) we’ve agreed it’s time for me to get out of the shadows and speak up. You’ve probably noticed a change in the tone of the blog of late; now that we have bylines, you’ll note that there are two voices, Sue’s staid and sensible voice, and my quirky ramblings. Quirky, as in, my business title (for this week at least) is CBR—Curmudgeon in the Back Room. We’ve acted like an old married couple since long before we were an old married couple. It’s our thing, I guess.

Nothing’s changing as far as the services existing clients receive. Your account manager is still right on top of things, still working with Sue to ensure the best social media representation possible. Sue is still monitoring everything, sharing best practices with the team, and meeting with prospects.

What will change is the tone of our marketing. Chief Virtual Officer was able to work almost entirely with referrals. Over time, that fount has slowed to a trickle. Ausoma is looking for a broader client base, and we’ll be revamping our free reports, newsletter, and blog to help our clients and prospects to make the best decisions about using our services and to make it easy for y’all to spread the word.

Give me a shout in the comments. I love to chat.

What do you think?