Leverage Book Awards

There are a variety of book contests and award programs for nonfiction authors. Some provide specific feedback that may be helpful to make your book even better.

Once your book has received an award, use that in your book marketing. Here are some ways to leverage your book award.

  • Add “award-winning” to your book cover, bios, Amazon book description
  • Create and send out a press release to local media
  • Contact local book stores to see if you can do a book signing
  • If an in-person event doesn’t make sense, host a virtual event to celebrate
  • Announce your book award to your email list and on social media
  • Host a giveaway to celebrate!

Winning a book award can lead to a traditional publisher (if that’s what you want), speaking engagements, and more book sales. For more information read our post about some quality award programs.

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