“We’re Not a Match”

Have you ever had to let a client or a subcontractor go? How do you handle it?

Over the years I’ve had to let more than one client go and more than one subcontractor. It’s never easy. It’s always an emotional process for me. I hate disappointing people. In the past, I always wanted to explain in detail why we couldn’t work together any more.

We're not a match

Then my husband and I learned the best thing to say in any situation where you know it’s not a good idea to either start or continue a business relationship. You simply say, “We’re not a match”. 

There is no explanation. It’s not about assigning blame. It’s simple that “we’re not a match”. And it’s all from your perspective. The other party may have felt it was a match. But if you don’t, then “we’re not a match”. 

The reason we use this when letting a client or subcontractor go is because invariably, no matter what, the other party wants to know “why”? The truth is you don’t need a reason. You don’t need to give a reason. When you give a reason, it’s the other person’s natural inclination to reply with their ‘reason’ why your reason isn’t valid. But any reason you have is valid – to you. And that’s what matters.

So next time you need to let a client or subcontractor go, just say, “We’re not a match”. It won’t be easy and they may be left wondering. But you’ll feel a great sense of relief knowing that the people you are working for and with absolutely love you! I know that’s true in my case.

I love all my clients and all the subcontractors I’m currently working with.


What do you think?