Our work for you can be summarized in two words
- Done
- Right
Once we’ve agreed on a course of action, you never need to think about it again if you don’t want to.
It will be done.
It will be right.
We Are Not Hired Guns
That work you need done, and done right? We won’t be sitting around waiting for you to tell us what to do.
We’re business owners ourselves. Have been for years. We’re also nonfiction authors (many times over.) We know what it takes operate the business of being a nonfiction author.
When you hire Ausoma, we become your partners, not hired hands waiting to be told what to do. Proactive. That’s the word you’re looking for, isn’t it?
Oak Trees and Marathons
We do not deliver quick fixes.
We do not cut corners.
We do not spam, annoy, pester, alienate, or trick anyone into reacting to your marketing message.
You’re better than that.
Marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. You’re not growing grass in your lawn, you’re establishing an oak tree to last a lifetime—and perhaps beyond.
We’re marathoners, metaphorically at least. We believe in oak trees.
As long as you need a marketing message for your nonfiction writing, we’ll be around to deliver it.
Customer Service Superheroes
Our customer service goal is not just to meet your expectations, but to exceed them.
Okay, that’s not true. Our real goal is to crush them to a fine powder, throwing them under Charon‘s keel to drift down the River Styx, never to be heard from again. We want your expectations to know they don’t hold a candle to the reality we deliver.
After the Age of Three No One Likes Surprises
We assume you don’t, anyway.
Rather than surprise you by firing the starting gun on a project you weren’t ready to launch yet or spending money to order something you haven’t explicitly asked for, we will do everything in our power to know what you need, and verify it with you before we proceed.
However, if you just tell us, that works, too.
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