Using Facebook to promote your business is great – when done appropriately. Many of us have gotten so eager to share with others what we do or so desperate for work, that we post on our friend’s wall about our business hoping to get their friend’s business. This recently happened to me. I know this person wasn’t trying to offend me and even when to the extent of praising me as a leader in my field. I believe they thought that would make it okay to then post and solicit business for themselves.
However, I really don’t know this person that well yet for one thing. I do appreciate that times are tough and we’re all looking for ways to get more business. However, proper social media etiquette means we don’t just post on other people’s wall’s for business. I’ll admit I’ve inadvertently posted something on a friend’s wall promoting my business. When it was brought to my attention, I immediately apologized and removed the post.
Here’s what I suggest. Send this type of message directly to your contacts and ask them if they’d mind sharing it with their friends. Then allow your contact to decide if it’s something they feel comfortable promoting on your behalf or not.
I’d love to hear your comments!
Very well said! When have something “ReMarkAble” then our friends will pass it on for you! Old school sales is out the door with the Internet.
Thanks for your comment Paul. I love promoting other people’s businesses when appropriate! Great word-of-mouth referrals is why our business is where it’s at today.