Are You an Employee or a Business Owner?

The Commonsense Virtual Assistant
The Commonsense Virtual Assistant

Sometimes new virtual assistants think of themselves as employees. But you are not! You work for yourself. You are a business owner!

Since you are a business owner, you need to understand what it takes to run a successful business. It takes more than just having the skills your clients expect you to have to help them in their businesses.

You need to now how your clients think and what they want. You also need to know what you want – what you expect from your business.

To help you succeed as a business owner and get out of the employee mindset, the book, The Commonsense Virtual Assistant – Becoming an Entrepreneur, Not an Employee, was written.  Here are what some readers have said:

“This book is a must read for anyone looking to get into the virtual assistant industry and it is a blueprint for success for those who are already in the industry. It guides you through a mindset shift that shows you how to operate as a highly successful online business.”Lucinda Cross, Life Coach, Vision Board facilitator, Business Mentor

“While this book is directed towards Virtual Assistants, business owners of all industries will find it very useful in their pursuit of the American Dream of owning their own business. It will help you understand and overcome the limitations you place on yourself, consciously and subconsciously, that stand in your way of becoming a confident, successful business owner. It helps you develop an understanding of how your customer thinks, why you think the way you do, how to best utilize resources, and put processes into place to help you become the successful entrepreneur that is in every one of us!” – Michelle Randolph, Gold Force Administrative Support

“This book is a great reference for anyone considering a career as a Virtual Assistant (VA). It is well-written and gives a roadmap of the entire VA process from how to think like a VA, the skills needed and even to to how to operate your VA business. I especially love the resource chapter.” – Sandy Plarske, Elite Administrative Services

To get your year started right, begin by reading this book. The Kindle version is available at Amazon for only $3.99.

Virtual Office Assistant Classes Debut Spring 2011 at College of DuPage

Beginning Spring 2011, the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, will be offering Office Technology Information (OFTI) 1300, Virtual Office Assistant, a 3 semester credit hour online course exploring the fundamentals of providing administrative support remotely through technology. Virtual Office Assistant (VOA) topics include role of a virtual assistant, skill assessment and niche identification, technology evaluation, time management, workspace design and organization, client relations and networking, communication, ethics and technology etiquette, recordkeeping basics, and professional organizations.

Course objectives include:

  • Define the concept of a virtual assistant and how it relates to careers in a virtual environment.
  • Review telecommuting and the history of the virtual office.
  • Identify and select career opportunities appropriate for virtual environments.
  • Identify the types of personalities that would be effective in a virtual environment.
  • Assess the skills and work habits necessary to be successful in a virtual environment.
  • Design a virtual office for efficiency and comfort.
  • Identify effective communication tools and techniques.
  • Discuss business ethics and technology etiquette as they apply to the virtual environment.
  • Introduce basic recordkeeping needs for entrepreneurs.
  • Introduce resources available to virtual assistants.

Professor Gerken first contacted me March 10, 2010 via my Virtual Assistant website. Her email was:
I am an Assistant Professor at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. We are in the process of putting together a Virtual Office Assistant course and certificate. I am looking for a text/materials to use in this program. Is it possible to receive a review copy of your materials so that I may review them as possible materials to use in this program? Kay Gerken 630-942-3063 College of DuPage 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

We immediately sent her a review copy of the book, The Commonsense Virtual Assistant – Becoming an Entrepreneur, Not an Employee, and a copy of the Action Guide, Building Blocks: Succeed as a Chief Virtual Officer.

We spoke by phone on June 29, 2010 and on September 15, 2010 Professor Gerken called to let me know she was going to use the book in class and refer to portions of the action guide. This was very exciting news! I asked Professor Gerken to answer a few questions about her program.

Tell us a bit about the Virtual Office Assistant course and certificate program you put together.
As of Spring 2011, the College of DuPage is offering a 3 semester credit hour online course called Virtual Office Assistant Course. Future plans include a certificate if the demand is apparent. The trend is growing for virtual support and many different industries are picking up on this trend.

What research did you do to prepare putting your program together?
Several programs were researched including Sierra Community College in California and Red Deer College in Canada. Men and women are now offering their administrative support skills and talents over the Internet. VIrtual administrative assistance is growing and can save small buisnesses countless dollars. At a time when many businesses are downsizing, there is a growiing inclination toward the home-based businesses for self-employed administrative support professionals.

What other course materials did you review before choosing the books to use in your program?
Many resources were reviewed and it was difficult to select one resource. In the end, two resources were selected: The Commonsense Virtual Assistant, by Sue and Joel Canfield; and Virtual Assistant, The Series, by Diana Ennen and Kelly Poelker. Both of these resources are available in print and as ebooks. Things I considered in the book selection included:

  • Current publication date to ensure that the information was up-to-date and current
  • Comprehensive content including concepts dealing with running a business as well as the skills needed to succeed as a VOA
  • Content covering all of the above topics and objectives–one book did not seem to cover everything listed above. Book format–was book available in print as well as electronically
  • Cost of book
  • Resources available–what resources were available with the book–workbook, websites, any contact information for existing VA’s, etc.  Specific technologies are needed, but will change as the technology changes–I did not want a step-by-step approach–needed exposure to what technology is available to do certain tasks.

The Commonsense Virtual Assistant provided some valuable information on running a business as well as certain qualities that a successful virtual assistant needs to possess. Being a successful Virtual Assistant requires that you know how to run a business. Virtual Assistant, The Series, offered some great detailed information on day-to-day operations and advice from experienced VOA’s. One resource being more conceptual with the other being a bit more specific–the perfect blend.

When will your program begin and how can students register for it?
Classes start Spring 2011. Click on the link to register:
Class name and number OFTI 1300 NET01 Virtual Office Assistant

Contact Professor Gerken:
Kay Gerken
Office Technology Information Professor/Coordinator
College of DuPage
Glen Ellyn, Illinois,

Thank you Professor Gerken for sharing this information. We are excited about your students using our book in this class. Let us know how things go!