VA Interview: Julie Dillman – Executive Digital Assistant

I first met Julie on the VANetworking Forums. I replied to a request she made for feedback on her website and it wasn’t long before we were talking by Skype. Julie is a real go-getter and her enthusiasm is contagious! She is the first representative in Canada for Chief Virtual Officer.

Sue: When did you start your business?
Julie: February 2010

Sue: Why did you choose to become a Virtual Assistant?
Julie: I have wanted to work from home for about three years now, I enjoy doing computer and administrative related work and when I discovered that other people were making a living doing it from home I decided to try it too.

Sue: What advice would you give new and aspiring VAs?
Julie: Get as much information as you can about the business. Read forums and blogs and talk to the people who are already doing it. And most of all network both online and in person.

Sue: What resources have helped you in your business?
Julie: I read a lot online before I started. I spent at least three weeks reading everything I could find about being a VA.  I joined several online communities and met some fantastic people who gave me some great advice.

Sue: Would you mind telling us a little something about yourself?
Julie: I love music, animals and gardening. I also love anything to do with computers. I am very much a homebody and I’m glad to have found a career that will allow me to enjoy all these things.
Thank you Julie for sharing with us today. Julie’s contact information follows:

Julie Dillman, Executive Digital Assistant
Twitter @ExecDigAssist
Facebook Executive Digital Assistant
LinkedIn ExecDigAssist