What Is Your Article Title Selling?

What are you selling?Article writing is a very effective marketing tool. The main purpose of an article should be to provide information, not sell something. Once a reader trusts and respects what you say in an article, they will decide when they are ready to buy from you and contact you.

So is your title selling something other than information? It shouldn’t! Your expertise in the manner you deliver information in your article will ‘sell’ you to the reader. The only place you want to sell your services is in your Author Bio at the end of the article.

The article title should sell the benefits a reader will receive if they continue reading your article. Be creative in your title and sell the benefits of the information within your article. Don’t sell your services!

After reading your title, the reader should ask a question that will be answered in the article. Remember what you learned in school? Who? What? When? Where? Why? Pique your reader’s curiosity so they’ll want to read the article to get the answer to the question you’ve raised in their mind.

If the article raises even more questions in your reader’s minds, this is great! Now they will visit your website to see if they can learn even more.