What Is Your Article Title Selling?

What are you selling?Article writing is a very effective marketing tool. The main purpose of an article should be to provide information, not sell something. Once a reader trusts and respects what you say in an article, they will decide when they are ready to buy from you and contact you.

So is your title selling something other than information? It shouldn’t! Your expertise in the manner you deliver information in your article will ‘sell’ you to the reader. The only place you want to sell your services is in your Author Bio at the end of the article.

The article title should sell the benefits a reader will receive if they continue reading your article. Be creative in your title and sell the benefits of the information within your article. Don’t sell your services!

After reading your title, the reader should ask a question that will be answered in the article. Remember what you learned in school? Who? What? When? Where? Why? Pique your reader’s curiosity so they’ll want to read the article to get the answer to the question you’ve raised in their mind.

If the article raises even more questions in your reader’s minds, this is great! Now they will visit your website to see if they can learn even more.


Do You Know How to Create Attention-Grabbing Titles? Guest Post by Deb Lamb

I’ve known Deb for many years and can highly recommend her work. I’m very pleased to have her guest post today and hope you enjoy it.

The titles you create for your blog posts and articles serve as a first impression. It is the initial point of contact between your content and the reader. If you have a lackluster title, potential readers are less likely to read the rest of your content. To draw them in, your title needs to be enticing and full of promise. It needs to create a reaction in the reader.

Even the most profound piece of writing will see a low readership if the title doesn’t sound appealing enough to lure them in. Remember that today’s Internet user has a short attention span. If you do not grab their attention quickly, they will overlook you and move on to the next piece of content.

If you want to create headlines that will draw in the most readers, here are the things you need to do:

Focus on the emotions 

The majority of our choices are based on emotions. If you create a title that appeals to the emotions of the reader, they are more likely to read the content that follows it.

Your title should make the reader feel:

  • Respected
  • Confident
  • Safe
  • Proud
  • Sexy
  • Energetic
  • Wealthy
  • Attractive
  • Inspired
  • Powerful
  • Motivated

Some examples of this include: Do You Know How to Earn Respect from Your Employees and Colleagues? Or, 10 Tips for Motivation and Inspiration in your Daily Life. 

Empower the reader 

You is a very powerful word to include in your headlines. It makes your reader feel like you are talking directly to them, and they are important and the ones in control. It gives you a chance to speak to the reader on a personal level. Your title tells them that you are interested in helping them find the answer they are looking for.

An example of a title that empowers would be, How You Can Reignite the Passion in Your Dull Marriage.

Use an active voice 

Your title is not the place for passive voice. Leave out words like “might” or “could.” Make sure you are arranging words to sound more commanding. For example, instead of a title that says 5 Ways to Control Your Sugar Craving, you can reword it like this: Control Your Sugar Craving in 5 Simple Steps.

Some other ways to create powerful titles include:

-Asking a question: Do You Want to Earn $1,000 This Week?

-Making promises: Earn $1,000 This Week!

-Sound newsworthy: New System Guarantees $1,000 Weekly

As you sit down to create your title, you need to know who you are trying to reach and inspire. Who is your target reader? A title that appeals most to one person may not be as appealing to another. Create the right headline for the right target so you can ensure that you hit the mark each and every time.

Deb LambDeb Lamb of Your Everything Services is a Ghostwriter and Content Creator who specializes in eBook creations, SEO article writing, article marketing, blog writing and web copy. She has authored hundreds of articles published on the web and assists business owners with stunning content creation. Visit her Ghostwriting website to find out how she can add passion and spark to your content. Your content. Our passion!


Article Writing Made Easy

Article writing is a great way to begin to establish your expertise. It can also be great for generating traffic to your website. But many hold back because they are not sure how to get started or what to write about.

If you can write a letter to a friend, you can write an article. Everyone has to start somewhere. The more you write, the more comfortable you will become and the better you will be at article writing.

Two easy was to get started writing articles are:

1. Write the ‘how-to’ article. Provide specific, detailed steps on how to do something that you already are an expert at doing. An example could be ‘5 Steps to Grooming Your Dog’. (That works best if you happen to be a dog groomer; but you get the idea).

2. Write a list of tips on a topic your target market is interested in. For example, ‘6 Tips to Easy Article Writing’. It doesn’t need to be complicated.

How do you know if your article writing efforts are paying off? Is anyone reading them? Do they visit your website after reading an article? There are ways to track how many times your article is visited and if people are visiting your website after reading an article. Most of the article directories have tools that you can use to track these things.

Another great way to track your articles and where else they may be posted is to set up Google Alerts for the title of your article. You may be surprised to find just where else your article is found.

What's Your Specialty?

Virtual assistants often provide administrative support to small business owners. This can cover a large range of tasks from monitoring email accounts and creating documents to making phone calls and mass mailings and a hundred other things.

However, my focusing on specialized work you can reach a specific target market and this allows your marketing to be much more focused. What are some industries a virtual assistant can specialize in?

1. Real Estate – many real estate agents need work done in areas specific to the real estate industry.

2. Accounting – more solo professionals now use Quick Books online and a virtual assistant may choose to focus solely on bookkeeping tasks.

3. Attorney – attorneys need specialized tasks and if you have the skills needed, this could be a very good market to target.

In addition to specific industries, virtual assistants may specialize in specific types of assistance, such as:

1. Social Media Marketing – using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media tools.

2. Article Writing – editing articles for search engine optimization and then posting on various article submission sites.

3. Blogs – creating and maintaining the solo professional’s blog.

4. Websites – updating the client’s website as needed.

These are just a few of the areas a virtual assistant can specialize in.

What is your specialty?

Can You Write An Article?

Can you write an article?Article writing is one popular way to establish yourself as an expert in your industry. However you may wonder if you can write an article. It’s not as difficult as you may think.

When you sit down to write an article, think of yourself as an expert in your business. Who knows better than you what you do? When you write feeling confident and passionate, your readers will feel confident and passionate about what you write.

Be sure to write articles that your readers will get value from. Your articles should teach your readers something; educate them about how your services can benefit them.

So how do you create passion and enthusiasm when you write? Of course using punctuation, such as an exclamation mark, can be very useful. Remember not to overdo it though. Exclamation marks in particular should be used sparingly.

Think about how you would talk to someone about the subject. Practice outloud in front of a mirror. Then write in that manner. It will feel more conversational and less like a textbook. Make it easy to understand.

People need to connect on an emotional level. So let your readers know a little something about yourself so they can see why you feel the way you do.

What tips can you share about article writing?