Ausoma’s Book Marketing Philosophy

Yes, we use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram and tweet and post regularly about your book. We’re also less expensive than virtually every other book marketing firm. But none of that is as important as what we really provide.

At Ausoma, our book marketing efforts are designed to help, not just you, but your audience as well. Our magic is that we understand you, the client, and your audience to help you build a relationship with them.

A Background in Neuroscience and Writing

Joel and Sue in front of the Piggly Wiggly in Sister Bay, WisconsinJoel has informally studied neuroscience and psychology for decades, reading more than 100 books on the subjects. He’s spent his whole life fine-tuning his innate intuition about people, allowing him to understand what our clients, and their clients, need, and how to deliver on both counts.

Between us we’ve written 9 business books and marketed them ourselves, so we know the pressure an author is up against.

Our understanding and compassion makes us a great team, and a whole lot of fun to work with, too.

Our Process

To understand who your target audience is, our intake form asks these questions:

  • How would you define your target audience?
  • What topics are they interested in?
  • What challenges do they have that you help solve?
  • What keywords or key phrases would your target audience use to find your information?

We ask you to provide us with a list of at least five influential people, authors, experts, trade associations or news sources that provide information related to topics your target audience would be interested in.

We also ask for a digital version of your book so we can read it and understand the message you want to share. And then, of course, we actually read it.

We’re selective about who we work with. We want to become, not just another service you use, but partners in your marketing adventure.

Interacting with Your Audience on Social Media – Dos & Don’ts

Interacting with Your Audience on Social Media
Interacting with Your Audience on Social Media

A recent article at Upwork notes that, “depending on your specific industry, if your company does business in the U.S., it’s likely that between 70 and 90 percent of your customers are on social media.” As business authors and entrepreneurs, readers of your book and your clients are also using social media. So it’s important for you to interact with your audience on social media.

Sometimes though things can get “ugly” on social media – and this can impact your reputation negatively. Here are some tips on how to interact with your audience on social media and avoid the “ugly”.

  • Start a conversation. Ask questions to engage your audience. If you see someone else’s post that is of interest to you and your audience, respond directly to that post and start conversing with people.
  • Reply to comments and messages from followers and fans on Twitter and Facebook. Your audience needs to know you are listening to them and any concerns they have. If you do not reply, they will go away – and may take other fans with them.
  • Respond promptly. This is especially important if your audience has a concern they need addressed. If they have sent you a message via social media about a potential problem in your business, ignoring it won’t make it go away. In this fast-paced world, you need to respond as quickly as possible to keep your audience engaged.
  • Ask for feedback. A great way to keep your audience engaged is to ask for their feedback – on a particular product or service, what they’d like to see from you next, what problems or concerns they have, etc. This is the part where it could get “ugly” – so be careful. If you get some negative feedback, don’t use social media to retaliate! This leads to my next tip:
  • Take it offline. That’s right – it may be time to take the conversation offline, away from social media, and make a personal connection with a personal message, phone call or email. Find a way to connect with the individual who has a problem and resolve the issue as quickly as possible – in a way that makes them happy. This is turn can lead to the next tip:
  • Share the feedback. Once you have a happy client, now is the time to share that positive feedback resulting from how you handled the situation quickly and in a way that led to a win/win. 

Interacting on social media can be a lot of fun. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time either. Plan to spend even 10 minutes a day on Twitter – start a conversation, reply to a comment, ask a question, share a fun story! Do something! You may be surprised where it leads.

Growing Your Audience with Pinterest

If you want to reach more people with your message, you need to start using Pinterest. It’s one of the fastest growing social media sites and more and more business are using Pinterest to drive traffic to their website. Just take a look at what Macy’s is doing as an example.

Grow your audience with Pinterest

According to Social Media Today, “conversion rates for Pinterest traffic are 50% higher than conversion rates from other traffic.” I know from personal experience that one of our websites has had a tremendous increase in traffic and we can directly link it as coming from Pinterest.

Here are some quick tips on using Pinterest:

  • Create a board on Pinterest to pin all your blog posts.
  • Make sure that each of your blog posts needs an eye-catching image.
  • In the description be sure to add relevant keywords your prospects would search for to find what you have to say.

Check out my Pinterest board with Articles for Virtual Assistants.