Attract a Loyal Following With a Robust Author Platform

Build a robust foundation for your author platform

Now is the perfect opportunity to spend the time and effort to build a robust and attractive foundation for your author platform.

Your author platform is your online presence where you can attract a loyal following of people who want to buy your book, hire you as a consultant, and book you as a speaker.

Can you relate to any of the following scenarios?

  • In the excitement of publishing your book, you didn’t have time to create a website, update your social media headers, establish a newsletter list. The book is published but you don’t have a platform to showcase your expertise and attract readers.
  • You just released your second (or third) nonfiction book and need to update your Amazon Author page and social media headers but don’t have time.
  • Everyone is saying you should post articles on LinkedIn and and you need help posting your articles on these sites.

Does your author platform include the following?

  • Website (including a media page) and blog
  • Newsletter using an email tool like MailChimp
  • Guest posts on other blogs
  • Articles (posted to your blog, LinkedIn, and online sites like Medium and Thrive Global)
  • Amazon Author page
  • Social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

At Ausoma, we know that your author platform is the foundation of your book marketing. That’s why we work with you to create a package of services specific to your needs and within your budget. Whether you need a new website, a Media Page added to your website, a newsletter, articles, an updated Amazon Author page, or any social media marketing, we can help!

Our complimentary 15-minute social media consultation is the best place to start. We’re happy to put you in touch with our happy clients!

Your Book Publicity Menu: First Course, Website

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Book Publicity Mini-Course

a plate of tartsGet ready to publicize your book. Just like you plan a dinner party menu very carefully and prepare the table and setting to appeal visually to your guests, you need to plan your book publicity menu and make it visually appealing.

The first course in your book publicity menu is your author website. When your audience hears about your book and wants to learn more about it they will search online. Your website should be the first place they land. So be sure you have a complete author website that is ‘tasty’ and appeals to your potential readers.

Your website has so much to offer. Your audience can contact you, join your newsletter list, buy your book, comment on your blog. The media can find your Media Room full of information you provide so they can reach out to you for publicity opportunities.

If you need help creating or updating your author website, or adding a Media Room page, contact us. We’re happy to help.