Book Launch Party (Virtual)

Note: This was originally written for in-person book launch parties. Things have changed and I’ve updated with information in italics for a virtual book launch party.

Time to celebrate the launch of your book! It’s fun and exciting to host a party and invite your friends. This is a big accomplishment. Here are some things to consider to make this a successful book launch party.


Where will the party be? If you can arrange to have it somewhere that is likely to attract more readers, that would be ideal. Consider your local library or local bookstores.

Updated for virtual event: plan a Zoom or Facebook Live party and invite your friends, email list, and share it on social media.

Who is Invited?

The more the merrier! Of course you’re going to invite your family and friends. Don’t forget your business associates. If you’re having the party at a library or bookstore, prepare fliers to be posted at these locations at least a week in advance so the general public can attend. Then post it on social media so a larger audience is aware and invited to come.

Updated for virtual event: now you can invite everyone online!


Refreshments don’t need to be elaborate. But a few treats and drinks will keep people around longer which may mean they are more likely to purchase your book – or additional copies for friends.

Updated for virtual event: invite your attendees to a virtual refreshment. Perhaps post a photo of your favorite drink and invite them to do the same. You could have some fun engagement this way. 

Books and Book Signing

Remember to bring enough books. It’s better to have too many than to run out. How will you sign the book? Decide that in advance. And if you’re going to write the buyer’s name, be sure to ask how to spell it.

Updated for virtual event: having physical books and signing them is not an option here. However, you might have some postcards or bookmarks made up, sign them, and run a contest. Winners get a signed postcard or bookmark sent to them.

Tell a story

Keep it brief. You might share a short story about the process of writing your book or about who you dedicated the book to. Remember to thank those who came to the party. Talk to your guests individually. If possible, try to speak to each person who attended to thank them for coming. They will appreciate your personal interest.

Updated for virtual event: here’s one thing that doesn’t change much. You’ll now be doing it on camera instead of in person.

Thank You

Remember to send thank you notes to anyone who helped with the book launch party and to the venue if you held it at a library or bookstore. Focus on building relationships, rather than selling books, for the most successful book launch. Those relationships may lead to future book sales.

Updated for virtual event: thank everyone during the event who joins you for your virtual book party.

Get more support for your book launch and download our checklist.

Is a Book Signing for You?

Is a book signing worth it? That’s really up to you to decide. I know some authors who have had quite a bit of success with book signings, selling quite a few books. Other authors say it’s not worth it – that it takes too much time and effort with very little results. I say it depends on what your objectives are. A book signing event can be a great way to have your book and face get noticed by people who might not otherwise know you or your book. You can leverage the event on social media – posting about it before hand, during, and after the event.

book signing barnes & nobleRecently we attended a book signing by a local author in Arizona we’ve known for nearly a decade. Brian K Wright hosts Success Profiles Radio and has written three books. For his most recent book, Success Profiles: Conversations with High Achievers Including Jack Canfield, Tom Ziglar, Loral Langemeier and More, he held a book signing event at Barnes & Noble in Mesa, Arizona. I spoke with him about what it took to get the event booked, and followed up to find out how things went. … more … “Is a Book Signing for You?”

Local Author Interview and Book Signing

Brian K. Wright, local authorWe first connected with Brian K. Wright through a mutual acquaintance, Hal Elrod. Since 2011 we’ve worked with Brian in a variety of ways: initially doing some web work for him and later transcribing some of his radio show conversations which resulted in an ebook called Success Profiles. We now live about an hour away from Brian in the Phoenix Arizona area.

In April he released “Success Profiles: Conversations With High Achievers Including Jack Canfield, Tom Ziglar, Loraal Langemeier and More” published by Morgan James. His first book signing at a local Barnes & Noble takes place June 30, 2018. We plan to be there to support our Brian.

I asked Brian if he’d answer some questions and tell us the story about how he got his book published and into the local B&N.

… more … “Local Author Interview and Book Signing”