It’s great to be a virtual assistant and work from your own home office. You get to have clients from all over the world. It doesn’t matter where they are, you can still provide great service. That’s what ‘virtual’ means. But what about a mobile virtual assistant coach? What?!
Years ago I was a mobile notary. That meant as a notary I came to wherever you were. Now I’m thinking about becoming a mobile virtual assistant coach. Already as a virtual assistant I can work anywhere. I don’t need a home office even. I can take to the road with a laptop and use online tools to meet a client’s every need.
Now that I and my husband Joel coach virtual assistants, we can also do that from anywhere. Most of our coaching is done by phone on Skype. But what if we became Mobile Coaches? Not only do our work from anywhere, but come to you – the virtual assistant – where ever you are? You could now receive in-person training without leaving home.
What do you think of that idea? We’re giving it a trial run in August as we travel from our California home base up into Oregon, through Washington and into Canada. We’ve already talked with a virtual assistant in Oregon who is going to let us stay a day or two with her in exchange for coaching and Joel’s cooking. And we’re putting together a workshop in Vancouver for local VAs there. From there – the world!
Read all about our Nomadic Dream at our blog here: Tell us what you think. Any ideas and suggestions are appreciated. We’re also looking for sponsorship ideas. We’d love to hear from you!