The Basics of a Press Release

A press release is an announcement. For nonfiction authors it’s usually announcing their book release. You might also send out a press release if you’ve won an award or have an upcoming event.

The basics of a press release include:

  • A concise, informative headline
  • City and state where you are located
  • The main points in the first paragraph, with supporting information in following paragraphs
  • Answers to who, what, where, when, why, and possibly, how
  • Newsworthy information–why would anyone else care about this story? Is it relevant and interesting to your target audience?
  • A short quote
  • Contact information–name, email, phone number, website, social media sites
  • End it with three hashes ### This shows the media person that it is the end of your press release.

Your press release should fit on one page. Publish your press release on your website so you can easily share the link on social media and in emails when pitching to media persons. Here’s a sample press release we did for a client.

Help Us Make More Connections

After a challenging first half of the year we’re keeping ourselves alert to the connections we’re making in the industry. The more people we help, the better our own business does.

Sue wants to do more of her Getting to Know You calls. While these calls never include a sales pitch of any kind, the honest personal connections that result have been consistently helpful—on both sides.

Who do you know in the publishing industry? Could be an agent, a publisher, a designer: if they’re in publishing, point them to this post and let them know two things:

  1. We’d love to connect to learn about them.
  2. We abhor pushy sales pitches disguised as ‘friendly chats’ so when they talk to Sue, they’re safe.

Using LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn groups can be a great source of connections, information, and a way to showcase our expertise. You can join up to 50 groups; however, I suggest you concentrate on no more than five to get started. Choose groups that have lots of recent activity.

using LinkedIn GroupsOnce you’ve joined a group, take advantage of the Discussions. Participate by adding valuable comments. This is one way to showcase your expertise without promoting a specific product or service. Start your own discussion. Ask a question that encourages interaction and builds a conversation.

Grow your network by connecting with other group members you’re not yet connected with. Send a personal message, something like:

Hi [name of group member],

We’re both members of [name of group]. I enjoyed your comment in the discussion [name of discussion]. I’d like to connect with you.

Your Name

Make it a goal to invite one new group member each day to connect and you’ll find your network grow quickly.

Add 5 New Connections to Each of Your Social Media Networks

facebook social media networkAnother goal for your virtual assistant business this coming year is to add five new connections to each of your social media networks each week.

You want to expand the exposure for your business by adding new connections on a regular basis on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+. Choose one each weekday to add five new connections and watch your social media interactions grow. Look for people in your industry you might want to collaborate with. Connect with local small business owners who you may do business with.

You’ll find me on each of the networks below. I invite you to connect with me!





Google Plus

Where are you on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+? I want to connect with you!