Skype Interview Tips (Good for Zoom too)

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Interview Tips for Authors

Since more and more media outlets are using Skype for conducting interviews, here are a few tips to help you look and sound good when sharing your calls

  • Set up Skype in advance. If you don’t yet have a Skype account, set one up now on your computer. Practice using it with a friend in advance so you know how it works and can feel confident during your interview. Your Skype username and profile photo will be the first thing your interviewer sees when connecting with you. Be sure it’s professional. If you already have a Skype account you use for family and friends, create a separate  professional account for interviews.
  • Avoid distractions and interruptions. Turn your phone off to avoid distracting notifications. Close any programs you have running on your computer. The night before, and then an hour or so in advance, restart your computer to be sure it’s running at its best and not going through an update that could slow things down or cause distractions. Close the door and make sure everyone knows you are not to be disturbed. Close the windows. No pets in the room. Turn off the AC.
  • Sound your best. Your computer microphone is not the best for interviews. If you’re going to  do a lot of interviews and want to sound your best, invest in an external microphone. Be sure to select that microphone as your audio source in your Skype settings. Here’s an article about some of the best microphones for Skype.

Your Book Publicity Menu: First Course, Website

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Book Publicity Mini-Course

a plate of tartsGet ready to publicize your book. Just like you plan a dinner party menu very carefully and prepare the table and setting to appeal visually to your guests, you need to plan your book publicity menu and make it visually appealing.

The first course in your book publicity menu is your author website. When your audience hears about your book and wants to learn more about it they will search online. Your website should be the first place they land. So be sure you have a complete author website that is ‘tasty’ and appeals to your potential readers.

Your website has so much to offer. Your audience can contact you, join your newsletter list, buy your book, comment on your blog. The media can find your Media Room full of information you provide so they can reach out to you for publicity opportunities.

If you need help creating or updating your author website, or adding a Media Room page, contact us. We’re happy to help.

Authors and Business

Authors and BusinessAre you an author who wants to write for a living? Then you need to be a business person too. That can be a little challenging. There are many aspects to consider such as expenses and marketing. Where can you find resources to help you with the business side of being an author?

There are good books you can read about building your business as an author. One is Stephanie Chandler’s book, The Author’s Guide to Building an Online Platform. Another useful resource is the networking site for authors, BookMarketing Network. There are also workshops and seminars.

Many authors today utilize the services of a social media consultant to help market their book. A social media consultant can help with online social media promotion, creating press releases, contacting media, and other marketing consultation.

If you are an author, we can help!