Chief Virtual Officer Skype Meetup: Bring Your Greatest Business Challenge & Brainstorm with other Virtual Assistants

Joel and I want to reconnect with all the great virtual assistants who have shown interest in what we are doing with Chief Virtual Officer – training, coaching and mentoring new and aspiring virtual assistants.

We are now traveling virtual workers and are teaching others how to be successful virtual workers as well. You can read more about our travels at our Canfield of Dreams website.

As we’ve traveled, we’ve realized that connecting with virtual assistants in person is most effective in building trusting relationships. When we’re in your area, we hope we can meet you in person. We also realize that cost is always an issue. Therefore, we’ve made it possible for you to donate any amount you can afford.


Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Time: 1:30 pm EST / 10:30 am PST

Call #: Via Skype: connect with ‘joeldcanfield’ on Skype. You can set up a Skype account for free.

Purpose of call: Bring your greatest business challenge and brainstorm. We will give specific ideas to help you overcome your challenge. We’ll also tell you what’s new with Chief Virtual Officer.

Joel and I are very excited to talk with you all and hear what’s going on in your business. Please feel free to invite any other virtual assistants you think would be interested in chatting for a bit.

Thank you all!

Register Here:

VA Interview: Neilia Dudley, Butterfly Blue Virtual Assistant Services

Neilia and I met at a local meetup for virtual assistants. She is enrolled in Sierra College’s VOP (Virtual Office Professional) Program. Her specialty is in Genealogy. Let’s learn some more about Neilia.

Neilia Dudley

1. When did you start your business? 2008

2. Why did you choose to become a Virtual Assistant? To be able to stay at home with my children, continue my education online and supplement my husband’s income.

3. What advice would you give new and aspiring VAs? I would advise taking a class in marketing so you can tell people about your business.

4. What resources have helped you in your business? I have used Virtual Assistant,, and IVAA Forums, and attended class at Sierra College in their VOP program.  I also blog on my website and use Hootsuite to blog on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.

I have been personally coached by Sue and Joel Canfield at Chief Virtual  They help me to set and achieve goals, work with my first client, and help me to start marketing myself successfully.  I have also attended the bi-weekly teleseminars which are reasonably priced at $20.00 each.  Additionally, I have purchased two of their books, “The Commonsense Virtual Assistant” and a workbook called, “Building Blocks, Succeed as a Chief Virtual Officer”. I have found these books to be well written, informative, and very useful in getting my business started.

5. Share a success story or something about yourself – a hobby perhaps. My goal as a Virtual Assistant is to use my 15 plus years of experience to help other people in their business life. I also want to share my hobby as a virtual genealogist to help others find their ancestors and build their family history.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us today Neilia. Learn more about Neilia below.

Neilia Dudley,  Butterfly Blue Virtual Assistant Services