Kim Sutton, Host of The Positive Productivity Podcast [Interview]

This entry is part 5 of 13 in the series Podcaster Interviews

Continuing my podcaster interview series, here’s Kim Sutton, Host of The Positive Productivity Podcast.Kim Sutton

1. Tell us about your podcast

Positive Productivity is NOT about perfection, but it doesn’t need to be painful. Guests and I share what really goes on behind the scenes in our businesses and help fellow entrepreneurs work smarter instead of harder.

2. Why did you start this podcast?

Positive Productivity was born out of necessity. In 2016, following a rough period in my business where I worked 20 hours a day and slept 2-3, I found myself sleep deprived and suicidal. I couldn’t figure out why everything I was doing failed, and everyone I was seeing on social media was soaring.

Then, I had a spiritual moment and received a lot of clarity.

I realized we only see on social media what people want us to see. And a lot of what we don’t see would make most entrepreneurs feel “normal” and on track versus unsuccessful and deficient.

I also realized that working 20 hours a day, saying yes to everyone, and spreading myself too thin (across too many projects) was stupid and irresponsible.

Then it hit me. There are other entrepreneurs, like me, who need support and are tired of fake. We need authenticity, transparency and truth.

The Positive Productivity podcast was born.

3. How long have you been podcasting?

The Positive Productivity podcast launched October 4, 2016 and is now 630+ episodes in.

4. What do you look for in a guest?

I don’t care how many achievements a guest has, their best seller status or how much money they make. I want to have meaningful, authentic conversations where the guest is ready, willing and able to have a vulnerable conversation that helps others.

5. How can listeners find you?

Website: https:

6. Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Positive Productivity is not about perfection, but it doesn’t need to be painful. Our businesses and podcasts should never cause so much stress that they jeopardize our family or our health. If your health or family are suffering because of your business, you are likely spreading your focus over too many projects, aren’t valuing the worth of your services highly enough, and are not clear on your messaging.