Author Interview Questions – Be Prepared to Answer

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Interview Tips for Authors

Even though you’ve prepared, there may be questions an interviewer asks that you hadn’t considered. Here are 10 questions you want to be prepared to answer:

  1. What inspired you to write this book?
  2. What can you tell us about your book?
  3. What did you learn writing this book?
  4. What surprised you the most about writing your book?
  5. What does the title, or subtitle, of your book mean?
  6. What are the two main take-aways from your book you want people to know?
  7. What do you hope to accomplish with your book?
  8. What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
  9. Where can we buy your book?
  10. What else do you plan to write?

Practice your answers to these questions so you sound natural when you reply.

Wrapping Up Your Interview

?At the end of your interview, there are a couple final questions you’ll often be asked:

How Do You Get the Conversation Started in Social Media Networks?

Here are just a few ideas:

  • Ask engaging questions
  • Use humor
  • Ask for tips

How do you get the conversation going on social media?


How Do You Get the Conversation Started in Social Media Networks?

More Interaction on Social Media Using Questions

  • What is your favorite song?Are you feeling like your Facebook business page or other social media networks are stagnant?
  • Are you getting few likes, retweets, +1s, shares on your social media sites?
  • Would you like to get more interaction and engagement with readers, followers, fan?

You want to ask questions. Asking questions on social media  that are fun and easy to answer will compel people to leave a comment, share, and like your posts. So what kinds of questions can your ask? Here are some ideas:

  • If you could visit anywhere where would you go?
  • What book are you currently reading?
  • What’s the best/worst gift you’ve ever received?
  • When have you been the most proud of yourself/someone else?
  • What is something you wish you were better at?
  • What is something you learned this week?
  • What is your favorite song?
  • If you could be any fictional character who would it be?
  • What is the craziest thing you’ve done?

You might even learn something about them that could help you tailor your services toward their needs.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Let me ask you, what is your favorite song? Ask me a question and I’ll post my reply.


Q&A: What topics should I write about on my blog?

What should I write about on my blog?Question:
I am working full-time and trying to get clients for my business. The hardest part is marketing and writing a blog.I’ve started a blog but what topics can I write about? What about marketing?

It’s got to be tough working full-time while trying to start a business. On the other hand, that gives you an income you can count on while you work on building your business.

Since you have such a busy schedule, it’s important to make an appointment with yourself to make time to work on your business, write blog posts and market. Then keep your appointment as though you were meeting with a new client!

Here are some suggestions from the Action Guide, Building Blocks: Succeed as a Chief Virtual Officer:

  • Write a “how-to” article or a “ten tips” article
  • Answer questions you get from prospects and clients as a blog post (much like this one)
  • Invite prospects to write guest blog posts.
  • Write about a client’s success
  • Post a list of relevant links with a short comment on why you found each valuable
  • Share a recent experience you had

It’s very helpful as part of your marketing strategy to also visit other blogs and post comments there that will link back to your own blog.

More tips on blogging and marketing can be found in the Action Guide, Building Blocks: Succeed as a Chief Virtual Officer.

What topics do you write about on your blog?