Added Bonus Items for Client Communication Clinic in Vancouver

The Client Communication Clinic in Vancouver Canada on August 6, 2010 includes some special bonus items. In addition to a Grand Prize to be announced shortly, there are two additional bonus items.

Shout outs to Vickie Turley and Christine Giri for donation these bonus items. Thank you both!

Read all the details here.

Grand Prize! To be announced shortly. We will have one Grand Prize Winner!

What's Love Got to Do With It?Bonus #3: Drawing for copies of the book What’s Love Got To Do With It? How to Have the Perfect VA Client Relationship by Vickie Turley. There will be 7 copies to give away! ($19.95 Value)

Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn: A Quick-Start Guide for Virtual Assistants

Bonus #4: Drawing for copies of the ebook on CD Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn – A Quick-Start Guide for Virtual Assistants by Christine Giri. There will be 5 copies to give away! ($49.95 Value)