FotoJet – free online collage maker

Recently I was asked if I would write a review of FotoJet. FotoJet is a free online collage maker that enables users to quickly create collages. There is no download or registration required.

You can create collages from templates or choose a  classic layout that allows you to add new text, clipart images and a background.

I played around a bit with FotoJet and found it easy to use. Since we create a lot of images with photos and quotes, this new app will prove very useful in my business.

For fun, I created this image. Go check out FotoJet and let me know what you think.

FotoJet Collage


Using Pablo to Create Quotables

In today’s social media market, images are hot! Images with quotes on them are very popular. These are called ‘quotables’. You can easily create quotables using a free online tool called Pablo.

There are several options for text size and color and background options. You can even upload your own image. This quotable was created using Pablo.

create images that draw your audience in
Create images that draw your audience in and capture their attention.

Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Quote of the Day

motivational quote by Zig ZiglarA great way to engage readers and get interaction on your Facebook business page is to share quotable quotes. People love quotes. They love to like them and to share them. This is especially true if they are funny, motivational or thought provoking.

Here are some places to find some great quotes:

You can even sign up to get daily quotes by email.

What are some of your favorite quotes?