Do You Want to Buy from Me? (How to turn off prospects)

Everyone wants more business. We want more prospects to become clients and buy from us. We attend networking events hoping to find good leads. As we meet new people, we tend to come right out and ask, ‘do you want to buy from me?’ Do you like it when someone approaches you at a networking meeting and tells you all about how they can help you but never asks you about your business? Of course not! This is a great way to turn off prospects.

Instead of approaching people at networking events with the idea of pushing your business, attend with the thought of getting to know other people and their business. You start to develop relationships that build to a point where you can know what the other person actually needs and if they need your services.

We’ll talk about this in greater detail in our group coaching calls in May. Learn more at the Chief Virtual Officer website.

Preparing for 2010 – Network Now!

As we near the end of 2009, it’s our tendency to slow down in our networking efforts. It’s a very busy time of year and we tend to feel we just don’t have time to attend one more networking event.  So stand out and take the opportunity to attend one more networking event before the end of the year.

Now is the time to prepare for the New Year. One of the best ways to market your business is to build trusting relationships. You build trusting relationships by networking and getting to know people and what they do. Take a sincere and personal interest in them. Find out who their ideal client is so you know who to refer to them.

Start planning today to grow your network so you can start 2010 on the right foot. Make it a point to connect with at least 2-3 new people and follow up in January over a cup of coffee.

International Networking Week

What will you do this week to network with others? Effective networking does not mean going to a networking event and passing out 100 cards. Effective networking is building relationships with people so you know who to refer to them. I’ve written some dos and don’ts about networking. You can read more here.

Networking can help you grow your business if you do it right. I know because my business has grown tremendously this last year – mostly due to networking.

What will you do to network with others this week?