This is the first in my 2021 series of author interviews. Laurie and I have been connected on social media for some time. She’s a great example of what an author can do on social media!
Tell us a little bit about your books.
My project manager at my publishing house describes the Sean McPherson series like this:
Imagine—Chief Inspector Gamache meets The Last Mrs. Parrish.
Kirkus Reviews said: “Buchanan’s narrative is well-paced, flying right along. . . . the author has delivered an exciting beginning to an intriguing series.”
Why did you write your books?
My first two books (Note to Self: A Seven-Step Path to Gratitude and Growth, and The Business of Being: Soul Purpose In and Out of the Workplace) are nonfiction and a direct result of two decades in private practice as a holistic health practitioner and transformational life coach.
My next book—Indelible: A Sean McPherson Novel, Book One—is a work of fiction in the suspense/thriller genre. It’s the first book in a series that takes place in the Pacific Northwest. It hits the shelves on April 6, 2021. Book two in the series, Iconoclast, is slated for publication in spring 2022.
The Sean McPherson series came about because I heard another speaker at a writing conference tell the audience that once you publish a book in a certain genre, you’re locked in. That’s simply not true!
How did you publish your book? Traditional publisher, hybrid publisher, self-published?
My first two books are published by a hybrid publisher, She Writes Press. The Sean McPherson novels are published by SparkPress, an imprint of She Writes Press.
How did things change for you as an author in 2020 and how did you manage to weather through the year during the pandemic?
Before 2020, I traveled regularly to speak and teach at writing conferences. When the pandemic struck, travel came to a screeching halt, and Zoom (a web conferencing platform) has become part of my regular routine.
What is your favorite book marketing tip?
Because I love photography, my social media platform of choice is Instagram. It’s linked to my Facebook author page. Combined, they make a dynamic duo for sharing news about my books.
What are your goals for 2021?
My primary goal for 2021 is to get Iconoclast (book two in the Sean McPherson series) into my copy editor’s hands and then to my publisher. Once that’s done, I’ll dive headfirst into book three in the series.
Where can readers find your book?
My books are available wherever books are sold. Here is ONE convenient link that will take you to purchase links for Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, IndieBound, BookShop, Rediscovered Books, Books-A-Million, Google Play, Apple Books, and BookBub: https://www.lauriebuchanan. com/indelible
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
You are cordially invited to my website, If you’d like to stay in the loop regarding book launches, please subscribe to my quarterly newsletter.
I can also be found on:
Author of the Sean McPherson Novels (#seanmcphersonnovels). Imagine—Chief Inspector Gamache meets The Last Mrs. Parrish. Red licorice aficionado. Traveler. Photographer because sometimes, the best word choice is a picture.