Virtual Assistant Interview: Collette Schultz

Collette SchultzI’ve known Collette Schultz for several years and we met up in person back in 2010/2011 when we first traveled through Wisconsin before moving here. Collette is one of my social media account managers. I interviewed her and here are her responses.

1. When did you start your business?

In March of 2007 I started my service business and now to compliment that I’m adding affiliate marketing to it.

2. Why did you choose to become a Virtual Assistant?

There were a few reasons for starting as a VA.  My passion to learn technology, adding supplement income to the family and a dream to become full-time doing what comes naturally to me.

3. What advice would you give new and aspiring VAs?

Watch and learn from other people in the industry.  You’ll make mistakes and that’s ok; just don’t make the mistake more than once.  Don’t go crazy and try to be involved with too many networks.  Pick three and get involved.  Ask questions and share your stories.  You have to invest in your learning but don’t waste your money.

4. What resources have helped you in your business? Forums, blogs, coaching, books?

The main resources are real people and mentors that worked in the VA industry.  Diane Hess, of Hess Business Professionals & Associates, was the first person that listened and took me on as a subcontractor.  While working for her I went to free forums and eventually joined Solo Masterminds, NAMS and Linkedin.

5. Share a success story or something about yourself – a hobby perhaps.

It’s been twenty years that I’ve been working and educating in the accounting profession.   In addition, I’ve taken the values and hard work from building our family farm and turned it into a virtual business.  For the business owner, I deliver remote office support, product reviews and a directory of subcontractors to meet their needs.  For the service providers that desire to subcontract I provide education, resources, inspiration and project opportunities .

6. Additional comments you’d like to share.

Operating this business has proved I’m successful.  It’s a lot of hard work but it fills my passion.  The best thing about being a VA is you get to choose what kind of services to offer.  The smallest things can help another business.

7. Links to any online profiles you want to share.

Join my LinkedIn group of more than 3,200 members and visit my website for more resources

Collaborate With Other Virtual Assistants and Add New Clients

collaborate with other virtual assistantsIn a previous post we talked about adding new clients to your roster and how it might be possible. One way is to collaborate with other virtual assistants. How can you collaborate with another virtual assistant and how does this help you add new clients?

You may not feel you can add a new client because your workload is already at its limit. But if you had someone to help you out with the workload, you could add another client. There are other virtual assistants who may not have a full workload and could handle some of the work for you. These “sub-contractors” are great to collaborate with, usually get paid a fair but affordable rate, and provide high quality work.

My good friend, Colleen Schultz, has been a subcontracting virtual assistant for years. She writes a lot about subcontracting, how to become a subcontractor, and how to find a subcontractor. Visit her website, Savvy Subcontracting, to find out more.

I’ve been in both positions – both as a subcontractor and as a VA in need of a collaborator. It’s always been a win-win situation. It allowed me at one time to have nearly three dozen clients at one time and that year my business grossed more than ever.

Have you ever subcontracted or been a subcontractor? I want to hear from you!


VA Interview: Collette Schultz, Software Savvy Sub

I first met Collette online at the Find Virtual website for Virtual Assistants. Collette and I have had many discussions about the industry and in particular subcontracting. If you are interested in doing work as a sub or are looking for a sub contracting virtual assistant, Collette can help you out. She has a monthly free call for those interested.

Collette Schultz of Software Savvy Sub

When did you start your business?
March 2007 while working fulltime and raising my two children.

Why did you choose to become a Virtual Assistant?
This has been a dream.  I wanted to stay home with my children yet continue with a career that I would expand my knowledge and skills.  It also is an achievement of learning something different or outside my regular experience.

What advice would you give new and aspiring VAs?
Had I known I could have subcontracted for other VAs and learn as much as I have I wouldn’t have purchased so many unnessary learning tools. Learn from others.  Read VAs’ success stories.   Don’t get over booked when it comes to social networks.  Just a few and be an active member in the group by adding value.

What resources have helped you in your business?
eading success stories of others.  Corporate Mom Drop Outs is a book I can’t put down.  I also thrive on assisting other VAs by subcontracting.  They teach their knowledge by physically doing their tasks. has been one of my main resources along with Mom Masterminds. I’m also an audio learner there are a huge amount of podcasts that have taught me so much. and Denise Griffitts series.

Share a success story or something about yourself.
No matter what type of goal I set I seem to accomplish it sooner or later.  The thing I want people to realize is how appreciative I am that I’m able to do so.  There are a lot of people who drop the ball if they’re not getting to the goal as quickly as they thought.  The key is to stick with it.  Maybe I’m not working from home full-time yet but I am learning more than I ever imagined and from the right people.  I’m from the midwest and technology isn’t many people’s forteit, however that’s what keeps me going.  So I chose to use it to my advantage and become a virtual assistant.

Additional comments you’d like to share.
If you’re a little nervous about getting started start slow.  Do it part-time for awhile.  Most of all I suggest working for someone else so they can somewhat take you under their wing.  It’s ok to ask for help.

Collette’s Contact Information:
Collette Schultz, Software Savvy Sub
Virtual Dream Office Services