Keys to a Successful 10 Years as a Virtual Assistant

10 years as a successful virtual assistantIt was 10 years ago in June 2005 that I first started working as a virtual assistant. The previous year I had stopped working in the corporate world after my youngest was born. I was now a stay-at-home mom. But my husband’s colleague needed an assistant who could work from home helping her with her real estate business. My husband suggested she contact me.

When I started working for Marcy in 2005, virtually from home, I hadn’t even heard of a Virtual Assistant (VA). Within three years though my VA business grew from that one client to about a dozen clients. Today, 10 years later, not only do I have over a dozen clients, I have a team of six subcontractors that assist me.

So, what are the keys to my successful ten years as a virtual assistant? They include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Reliable service. When I say a project is going to be done by a certain date, clients expect it will be done by then.
  • Setting expectations and exceeding them. Right up front I discuss expectations with clients and subcontractors so all parties know what to expect. Then we put it in writing. My goal is not to meet expectations – my goal is to exceed them!
  • Sharing success stories. When my clients succeed, I like to share their stories with my networks. This increases client satisfaction and generates great word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Great communication. This is perhaps the most vital key. It’s very important to have, not good, but great communication with each client, subcontractor, and anyone else I communicate with in my business.

These are just some of the keys to my success. So much more I learned from the guidance of my husband and business coach, Joel D Canfield. We’ve both written much on the subject of customer service and marketing. We’ve put on workshops on the subject. I have link to Amazon for new and aspiring virtual assistants to learn more about how they can succeed as well.

Today I celebrate! Happy 10 Year Anniversary to me!