Over the years we’ve had some great conversations with virtual assistants around the globe. The feedback we’ve received has helped us refine our message. One of our clear messages has been, “You are a business owner, not an employee.”
One of the virtual assistants we’ve connected with is Laura Putnam of You’re the Best. It was very gratifying to receive this Facebook message from Laura a few days ago.
I want you to both know how much I appreciate all of the opportunities I had learning from you both when I started my business two years ago. I recently got involved in a collaborative business arrangement. The first week I heard two words that sent a red flag up, micromanage and nitpick from this person. As the relationship progressed I began to feel as though I was an employee…your words, you are a business owner, not an employee flew through my mind as he was criticizing me on the phone as though I was a member of his staff yesterday. Today I spoke up and terminated the collaboration, and feel awesome. You guys are the best, thank you…
If you’d like to learn more about how to run your business and not be micromanaged, read the Kindle version of The Commonsense Virtual Assistant – Becoming an Entrepreneur, Not an Employee. Then tell us about your success!