Keys to a Successful 10 Years as a Virtual Assistant

10 years as a successful virtual assistantIt was 10 years ago in June 2005 that I first started working as a virtual assistant. The previous year I had stopped working in the corporate world after my youngest was born. I was now a stay-at-home mom. But my husband’s colleague needed an assistant who could work from home helping her with her real estate business. My husband suggested she contact me.

When I started working for Marcy in 2005, virtually from home, I hadn’t even heard of a Virtual Assistant (VA). Within three years though my VA business grew from that one client to about a dozen clients. Today, 10 years later, not only do I have over a dozen clients, I have a team of six subcontractors that assist me.

So, what are the keys to my successful ten years as a virtual assistant? They include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Reliable service. When I say a project is going to be done by a certain date, clients expect it will be done by then.
  • Setting expectations and exceeding them. Right up front I discuss expectations with clients and subcontractors so all parties know what to expect. Then we put it in writing. My goal is not to meet expectations – my goal is to exceed them!
  • Sharing success stories. When my clients succeed, I like to share their stories with my networks. This increases client satisfaction and generates great word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Great communication. This is perhaps the most vital key. It’s very important to have, not good, but great communication with each client, subcontractor, and anyone else I communicate with in my business.

These are just some of the keys to my success. So much more I learned from the guidance of my husband and business coach, Joel D Canfield. We’ve both written much on the subject of customer service and marketing. We’ve put on workshops on the subject. I have link to Amazon for new and aspiring virtual assistants to learn more about how they can succeed as well.

Today I celebrate! Happy 10 Year Anniversary to me!

VA Interview: Michelle Colvin, MLC Business Solutions

Michelle Colvin

When did you start your business?
October 2008

Why did you choose to become a Virtual Assistant?
I began MLC Business Solutions because I enjoy working in the administrative field and I have always wanted to own my own business. I knew becoming a Virtual Assistant would allow me to provide an innovative way of assisting organizations in the administrative field. It was exciting – and still exciting today – to know that I can help businesses expand on their success.

What advice would you give new and aspiring VAs?
Get involved in all the social networking sites that you can. It pays to get your name and face out there. There are also many virtual assistant sites to link with including:,, and Virtual Assistants Forums; just to name a few. You can learn a great deal just by joining in on the forums and talking with other Virtual Assistants.

What resources have helped you in your business?
The first book that I purchased that helped me extremely was Virtual Assistant, The Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA by Diana Ennen and Kelly Poelker. It helped me a great deal when I started my Virtual Assistant business and helps me today regarding certain topics in the virtual assistant industry. It’s a great book and one that I would recommend to anyone who wishes to start their own virtual assistant business.

Share something about yourself such as a hobby.
I enjoy learning new computer programs and reading books that will help me expand my Virtual Assistant business. Outside of my business, two of my favorite hobbies that I really enjoy are singing and dancing.

Additional comments you’d like to share.
Be persistent, yet patient in your business. Persistence will take you a long way. While patience will help to keep you focused.

Michelle’s Contact Information:
Michelle Colvin,  MLC Business Solutions