Social Media Management in 10 Minutes a Day

You can get a lot done in just 10 minutes a day on Twitter. I recommend you determine your priorities and focus on using your 10 minutes each day on those priorities.

ten minutes a day on twitterOne of my clients wanted to make better use of his 10 minutes a day on Twitter. So we came up with this process:

Twitter Notifications 

  • Goal: to find retweeters and favorite-ers to thank them and/or follow them.  If time is limited, focus on the “Notifications” List.
  • Thank the user for favoriting or retweeting you. If favorited, see if it’s someone you want to follow and follow them back.

 Twitter Messages

  • Check for messages and reply as appropriate.

 Twitter List(s) and Retweets

  • Review list(s) and find appropriate post to Retweet.

 Twitter Post

  • Post an update with a shortlink and appropriate image.

If you spend just 10 minutes each day doing these simple things, you’ll find your social media presence is much more effective and productive.