Video Interviews

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Interview Tips for Authors

Because Skype has successfully integrated its system with major TV newsrooms, many video interviews are now done using Skype.

Check your environment so there are no distractions. Keep the backdrop simple so you are the focal point. If you are an author, you might have a copy of your book in the background.

Position the webcam so it’s pointed slightly down and with any light directed at your face. The more light there is, the better the video will look. Don’t sit in front of a window.

It’s hard not to watch yourself or your interviewer on the screen during a video interview. For the video to look like you’re maintaining eye contact with the interviewer, focus on looking at the camera lens. It will feel awkward at first. Practice doing this with a friend until you get comfortable.

Relax and enjoy yourself! The more you practice and the more interviews you do, the more comfortable you’ll become.