Growing your network of followers on Twitter will help you gain more exposure for your business, your book, your product. Here are some tips to gain more quality Twitter followers who are interested in what you have to offer.
- Follow other people who are in the same industry or have similar interests.
- When following, make sure their account is active and they have posted recently. There is no sense in following someone who hasn’t tweeted in the past 30 days or more.
- Be sure they have a head shot image in their profile or at least their company logo. If their profile picture is of a flower, their cat, or some other image, they most likely aren’t someone you want to follow or have follow you. Do NOT follow anyone who does not have a profile pic at all.
- Create a list in Twitter of people to follow that are influencers in your industry or area of expertise. Be sure to follow each of them and then start following people who are following your influencers.
- Follow people who use the same keywords or #hashtags that you do in their bio.
- Unfollow anyone who is not following you back after 30 days and any accounts that are no longer active. This is especially important if you’re just starting out and have less than 2,000 followers. Since Twitter only allows you to follow up to 2,000 UNTIL you have at least that many following you back, by unfollowing these inactive accounts and those not following you back, it frees your account up to continue following more people. So let’s say you’ve hit the 2,000 and only have 1,500 people following you. You check your account and realize you have 50 people you’re following who are not following you back after 30 days. You then unfollow those 50 and can now follow 50 more people.
- On each of your other networks, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., post weekly inviting your connections there to follow you on Twitter. You could post a message such as “Come like my Facebook business page for more great tips!” [include link to your Facebook business page]).
I’d love to hear what other tips you have for growing your Twitter following. Please share in the comments section below.