Using a ‘Done’ List to Become More Productive

done listDo you find it difficult to get every done on your to-do list? I love to make lists! Whether by pen and paper (my favorite still) or using an online tool or spreadsheet (both of which I make use of also), there’s such a sense of accomplishment when you see all the tasks crossed off a to-do list.

However, it’s much more effective and productive to keep a ‘done’ list! I learned this when I started using a iDoneThis.  Every day at the end of my work day I get an email from them where I can list my ‘dones’ for the day. It feels great to put down what I got done! And every day I can see what I got done at some point in the past. It’s a wonderful free tool that I encourage you to start using. I haven’t missed a day of using it in nearly 2 years.

What do you think?