When did you start your business?
February 4, 2010. Celebrating 6 months August 4th!
Why did you choose to become a Virtual Assistant?
Office assistance is something that I enjoyed, and being a single, home-schooling mom working from home had its attraction. So when I found myself in need of a job I decided to go for it.
What advice would you give new and aspiring VAs?
- Do your research
- Network with other VAs
- Get a mentor & Accountability partner
- Get whatever training you need
- Do these before you start if possible, if not do it anyway.
What resources have helped you in your business?
- Virtual Assistant Forums
- Virtual Assistant Directory
- Other VAs
- Hess Business Professionals & Associates LLC
- Mentoring 2 Success
- Certifiedvp.com
Share something about yourself.
I play the piano & sing. I love to sew. I love to read. I enjoy sci-fi, romantic, romantic comedies, comedies, action, and horror movies. Most of all I enjoy being involved with whatever my children are involved with. I enjoy the time I get to spend with them, and I love watching them grow and learn.
Additional comments you’d like to share.
If you are just starting off and getting discouraged keep your chin up. It takes a lot of hard work to get a business started, but if you want to you CAN do it!!!
Rhonda’s Contact Information:
Rhonda Holscher, Rhonda’s Virtual Office
Website – http://RhondasVirtualOffice.com
Twitter – @RhondaHolscher
Facebook – Facebook page
LinkedIn – http://www.linkedin.com/in/rhondaholscher