Your Interview Voice

Another in a series of interview tips for authors.

  • Before you get on the air, make sure your voice is ready.
  • Warm up your vocal cords by drinking some warm water or tea.
  • Have water nearby during the interview in case your throat gets dry.
  • If you need to cough, turn your ahead away.
  • Practice aloud a few minutes before you get on the air.
  • Smile. Your voice will come across as cheerful and friendly. No one else may see you but you’ll feel more confident.

The Series

January: Interview Tips for Nonfiction Authors
February: Are You Prepared for Your Interview?
March: What is Your Interview Message?
April: Practice Your Interview
May: Your Interview Environment
June: Your Interview Voice
July: Dos and Don’ts in an Interview
August: Best Practices When You Are Interviewed
September: Handling Negative Comments in an Interview
October: Wrapping Up Your Interview
November: Review After Your Interview
December: Enjoy Your Interview

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